Okay here is a "STRANGE" story...
Driving in my car - tater-tot in the back... I'm in my own little world until:
Tot: That's strange.... (a few minutes later) that's strange... (and again) that's strange...
(I glance over my shoulder - he's looking out the window at very 'normal' countryside...)
Me: Do you know what that word means?
Tot: No... what does it mean?
Me: Well, strange means... weird.
Tot: Strange is bad?
Me: No, its not bad... its just different.
Tot: I won't say it any more...
Me: No, baby, you can say strange, its not a bad word... I just want you to understand what it means...
Tot: oh...
Me: Strange means different... not the same as something else... uhmm... if you had 5 brown puppies and one white puppy the white puppy would be strange, because he's different from the brown puppies.
Tot: I want a puppy.
Me: No, the puppy is just so I can explain... strange is just anything that's different from other things... its not bad, its just different.
Tot: Can I put a white puppy named Strange in my back yard?
Me: No, we already have a puppy in our yard.
Tot: where is the white puppy?
Me: There is no white puppy...
Tot: (sounding like he might cry) but I love him...
Me (under my breath) I give up...
And I still don't think he really understands what strange means...
I hope the story lived up to your anticipation of it...
This is my favorite Tater-tot story!!
And we ARE naming our next dog "Strange". Budman and I talked it over - done deal.
That's strange. I feel like I have had that same conversation with the exception of the puppy. Too cute!
Hahaha! Oh...but he LOVES him! How can you resist?! Lol.
I found your blog courtesy of your sister! This story rings sooo true. Just replace "puppy" with "car" and that's my husband talking!!
Oh! That is so funny. And it feels like deja vu for me :) I have so many conversations like that with my little man, I have lost count.
That was a great story. When my kids were younger I remember many similar stories. I miss them so thank you.
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