Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't apologize, it's a sign of weakness...

Thanks, Gibbs (from NCIS) for that wisdom... I will forge ahead without any mention of how long I've been gone!

I'm changing careers!

I don't want to be a banker... I never wanted to be one... its a career I sort of fell in to and tried to convince myself I liked it just because I was good at it... but I don't like it... not at all!!

I have two nights left of a very intensive program which teaches me what I need to know to become certified to teach in the state of Texas...

That's right... I'm going to be Mrs. Copper's Fox, your friendly junior high social studies teacher...

Why would I give us a cushy job as a banker for the thankless hours of grading papers, monitoring the carpool lane, planning lessons, etc. ?

I wouldn't, if I didn't totally feel that it is where I'm meant to be! I'm so excited about this and it just feels so right!

So - stay tuned for more teacher talk...

Copper's Fox

1 comment:

Melody said...

Good for you! I'm still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up... and I'm turning 40 in January! Good luck!